A Chronological History of the Civil War in America, illustrated with A. I. Johnson's and I. H. Colton's Steelplate Maps and Plans of the Southern States and Harbors
1863|FISHER, Richard Swainson.
Caroline du Nord.
1825|Buchon, J. A. C.; Carey, H. C.; Lea, I.1:1 650 000
N. & S. Carolina.
1874|Asher & Adams1:1 267 200
N. & S. Carolina.
1833|Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain)1:1 770 000
Map showing Route of Marches of the Army of Genl. W. T. Sherman from Atlanta, Ga. to Goldsboro, N. C. [Scale,] 50 st. miles[= 40 mm]
1865|War Department
Route of Marches of the Army of Genl. W.T. Sherman From Atlanta, Ga. to Goldsboro, N.C.